Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm finally posting about our trip to Austin. I kept putting it off because I feel like there is so much to say. Shawn had a work meeting scheduled in San Antonio and announced that we should all get tickets and head to Austin to meet our new nephew Johnny. So we did.

Here's the man of the hour, he is a sweet little prince!

This is the only picture I got of the cousins together and was right after naps, especially apparent from Micah and Molly's bedhead.

Molly was ready to show the boys her pool and stayed in with them for about 30 seconds. She quickly realized that these boys are crazy and wild and high tailed it out of there. Noah is going through an orca whale stage so jumping in the pool is great fun and Molly's two pools in one provided the perfect leaping spot.

Deanna took us to a fun park that had a huge sand pile filled with digging toys and a sprinkler pad.

1 comment:

  1. Suddenly, shots of children playing are SO interesting to me. It's like seeing pure joy. Amazing...way to capture it Shawna :)
