Shawn has been contemplating putting a sport court in our backyard since the day we moved in over three years ago. Our driveway is very steep so the kids can't ride bikes, scooter, or play on it and we happen to live on one of the few streets in our neighborhood without a sidewalk. So our kids played in the street, with an adult of course, but we never felt good about the situation. Three kids, three directions = stress. The benefit of a big backyard is that we have plenty of room for a court, a swing set and still have enough space for soccer games, kickball, etc. Midsummer Shawn executed on his vision.
One morning bright and early a bobcat showed up, dump trucks full of soil and sand were delivered to our driveway. A massive amount of work later we have the best play area the kids could want.
Shawn researched exactly how the ground had to be prepared and other than the bobcat work did all of it himself...with our little helpers. I don't have shots of all the steps but the kids were so excited and pitched in. Micah especially was in his element. The kids use the court almost daily. We have the option of putting boards around it to flood it in the winter for skating and hockey...maybe next year.
Organizing the tiles.
Preparing for sod.
Trying it out.
Pre dinner view a few days ago.