Monday, June 6, 2011

Catch Up!

I have a lot to catch up on. We moved last weekend and boy oh boy did it take up every moment of time. We are settling into our new house and trying to get as much done as possible. I've resigned that we can really only do work on the weekends when both Shawn and I are here and even then it is pretty know, while managing three little ones.

The kids are doing really well with the adjustment except for at nap and bed time. Shawn and I have taken turns being held hostage outside the boys' bedroom doors to keep them in their rooms. Good times! We are now taking the computer or a magazine up with us and that makes it tolerable. Hopefully this will be short lived because a week in and I'm really over it.

Although there is much to be done I know this is the perfect house for us. We are in a wonderful neighborhood with the best schools in the state (and that is saying a lot in Minnesota) and the house has plenty of room for our family.

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